Latest Fashion Accessories 2011

This fall fashion season invest in timeless pieces that will compliment your wardrobe and give some unexpected and incredible fashion flair. Fashion Accessories are all about creating detail and adding texture, color and visual appeal to one’s outfit.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

These Googly-Eyed Accessories From Topshop Might Be The Next Big Thing

Remember when you used to glue crazy googly-eyed fuzzballs onto all of your school craft projects and binders? Now you can buy googly-eyed clutch purses thanks to Topshop.  When I first saw these cute clutches, I thought they would be more like the size of a hand, but they are a little bit larger, meaning they are the perfect size to hold your phone and your wallet. They even have a hand strap! Yes, someone may reach out to pet your purse when you’re carrying this novelty clutch, but who...

Monday, May 18, 2015

KYOTO GOES KAWAII: Gunjo retains individuality with dedicated handiwork

“Pochi bukuro” envelopes are usually made from paper, but Japanese accessories shop Gunjo offers colorful, cute ones consisting of pure silk. They are perfect for fashion accessories while traveling. “For the sewing work, we commission people who love doing needlework,” said Gunjo owner Shihoko Tsutsui. She only offers products that she believes can really show the dedication of the artisans. When Tsutsui opened Gunjo nine years ago, she initially struggled to find meaning in her shop...

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