There are just some things a girl can't do without, but when you are accessorizing in the corporate world, what you choose can project the perfect image or the wrong one. The good news is what's acceptable has become more flexible and a lot more colorful.
Bridgette Kirk, creative director of personal fashion consultancy The Style Agency says the biggest change we have seen with corporate women's accessories is variety and accessibility. "Women are not just wearing your classic black pumps with a black leather handbag, but they are branching out by adding color," Ms Kirk says.
But corporate style adviser Cosimina Nesci warns: “If used properly accessories can add to your personality or make you stand out for the wrong reasons." That's why it is important to choose carefully and consider what message you are sending.
The six rules of accessorizing
- Accessories are a great way to show others that you have a polished complete look. If used correctly they allow one to show individuality while still looking appropriately dressed for the job.
- Remember you need to be seen and remembered for your expertise not what you are wearing.
- Get the best quality you can buy.
- Accessories should be timeless and should not reflect fashion trends – unless you are in the fashion or creative industry.
- Accessories should not overpower you but instead add to your professional image.
- The accessories you wear to work are not the same ones you wear on a Saturday night.